reading the local paper and enjoying spotting the errors (for instance, an article this week attempted to write "voila" at the end of a recipe, but instead the author wrote "walla")
- extra friends coming over at dinner time
- helping to curl hair (because a girl from the 80's knows how to work a curling iron better than anyone!)
- coming home to a clean kitchen because Kayla, like me, cannot stand a messy kitchen
- waking up to coffee on the mornings Kayla woke up before me
- saying "good night, I love you" every night
- proofreading the writing assignments for various school courses
- being asked, "What's for supper?"
These things I don't miss:
- starting the car to find the gas tank empty
- washing loads of jeans
- trying to figure out which socks are hers and which are mine
- helping with calculus problems I could no longer solve
- having my closet rummaged through to find clothes for a play set in the 1920's
- seeing clothes I just wore to work worn as costumes in a play set in the 1920's
- being asked "What's for supper?"
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