Wednesday, October 6, 2010

College is School, Believe it or Not!

Too often do people forget that a rather important aspect of college life are these things called "classes." (Or is that just me?) Yes yes, between hittin' up the rec center, being all Maroon&Gold at the football games (please win one), basking in this fantastic October sun, figuring out the city bus system, adding to my friends' and my "quote sheet," and doing those usual "college-weekend" activities, I spend random parts of my weekdays walking to and from and attending 4 classes. So, I figured I'd give you an insight to each of them.

Spanish. Ah, my love. (It should show that I'm quite dedicated to pursuing this as a major due to the fact this class is 5 days a week, for 50 minutes, starting at 8 AM. Meaning I must leave my dorm room no later than 7:35 AM. Granted, this is my ONLY class on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays...but still.) For those of you familiar with Gloria from "Modern Family," this is my professor. Seriously. She's super stylin', from Colombia, and pronounces my name "Kigh-la." I enjoy this class, though that's not a surprise considering I've always enjoyed Spanish! So, it's a good start to my día :)

Paranormal Psychology. Be interested in this. We talk about telepathy, ESP, alien abductions, ghosts, and other weird phenomena. I'm a bit of a skeptic on this stuff so it's really intriguing to learn about. Our homework isn't difficult at all, just reading about cool claims of "seeing the light," bending spoons, x-ray vision and such. Last week we had a local psychic/clairvoyant/medium come in and talk to us, and needless to say, I'm still a skeptic.

Latinos in the US. Well...they say everyone in college runs into a class they hate. I refuse to elaborate more on this for fear that this blog falls into the wrong hands. I best stop now.

What is College Writing Seminar. My professor for this is such an interesting guy. From the first day when he walked in wearing a tye-dye t-shirt underneath a plaid flannel button-up I was like "Yes." In here we are discussing how the role of the University has changed over the years, and I find it extremely easy to keep interest in this subject! The downfall: it's a 2 1/2 hour class right in the middle of dinnertime and about 53 minutes into it, all I can think about is food. The upside: it's only on Tuesdays, so I deal.

And there you have it. My first semester of college, freshman year. Just when I think I will have this routine down, I will be taking math and science (excuse me while I gag) next semester. Darn general ed's....

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