Wednesday, November 10, 2010

$ick on this routine week

Being sick in college sucks. There's nobody here to wait on me hand-and-foot, run to Moto and get me lots of medicine, or run me up some diet Sprite with a straw. Instead, I endured classes the beginning of the week, and lucked out majorly today with having my class cancelled (thank you karma!) So, I walked my sickly little self over to the pharmacy today and bought some meds, and the next thing I know my darling friend from across the hall was waking me up at 5:30 pm to go to dinner. Turns out it wasn't worth it. It was "Spam-alot" dinner at the dining hall. Why? Please, does anybody enjoy the meat from a can? So we went and got some fun ice cream treats to watch the CMAs with instead. (I'm pulling for T.Swift and my main man Kenny.)

Anyway, not much new has happened over the past week, so being sick without Mom and Dad to take care of me has been my most recent "new experience" in college. Well BEFORE I got this nasty cold, I've discovered like, 3 new places to do homework on campus! (Who knew there was a library like 30 yards from my dorm?! And REALLY comfy chairs next to where the... Korean Dance Club... practices?! ) And it has been so extremely beautiful outside that me and my friends have taken quite a few walks by the Mississippi river. We've learned to love and take advantage of the free movies at the theater, this past week they played the incredibly cute "Despicable Me." (Unfortunately, we sat by the most descpicabally stinky person in the human world. It wasn't even funny. I had to breathe into my box of Milk Duds.)

Speaking of humans in this world, I'm sure you all know that one of my favorites is Ke$ha. In case you were wondering, I'll be seeing her gorgeous self at the House of Blues in Chicago in February. Yep, have I crossed into groupie territory? Just as well, I don't thinkg it's possible to be any more obsessed. It's called the "Get $leazy" tour. I'm so excited. You can't imagine the immensity...we'll be tearin' it apart. :)

OH. This week I've also learned to always check and re-check and double check that my headphones are actually plugged into my laptop BEFORE jamming to "Oops I Did it Again" in the library. At least it wasn't "My Humps" or something REALLY embarrassing...

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