Thursday, November 11, 2010

I know we've been talking about movies this week.  I told you to watch the movie, "Milk" and you did and liked it.  So, I have to tell you to watch another movie, probably my favorite movie ever; "Mask!"
You really have to see it!  Julie and I watched it so many times when we were teens, we communicated to each other by reciting lines in the movie.  We would say to each other, "You're so stupid!  Rube Walker!  You threw away Rube Walker, Ben!"  Or, "You!  You're going to take care of things from now on!"  I know it doesn't make much sense, but there weren't a lot of channels back in the 80's and the cable stations would show this movie over and over. 

The other thing we did from seeing this movie was recite Rocky Dennis' (the main character in the story) poem over and over, substituting in things from our day to day life.  His actual poem was this:
These things are good: ice cream and cake, a ride on a Harley, seeing monkeys in the trees, the rain on my tongue, and the sun shining on my face. These things are a drag: dust in my hair, holes in my shoes, no money in my pocket, and the sun shining on my face.
But we would say things like, "These things are good:  eating Pringles from a can, sitting on the couch, and the sun shining on my face.  These things are a drag:  holes in my pocket, Denny sitting on the couch, and the sun shining on my face."

I laugh when I think about the 3 of us (me, Denny and Julie) growing up together.  Watching you, Tyler and Brittany growing up there's a lot of similiarities.  Especially the inane inside jokes or petty fights between the three of you.  Remember when you kids would humiliate each other by simply calling someon an "oat?"  I would have to break up big fights between you guys and when I'd ask what started it, one of you would cry and say, "She called me an OAT!"  It doesn't make sense to anybody but you three. 

OK, that's what I'm thinking about now and that's my blog for this week:>

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